Ulrike Perkins Ulrike Perkins

5 reasons you should add artworks to your office spaces

Decades of research has proven, art enhances brain function. Viewing art has an impact on brain wave patterns, emotions and the nervous system. Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience their environment…


Decades of research has proven, art enhances brain function. Viewing art has an impact on brain wave patterns, emotions and the nervous system. Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience their environment.

1. Inspire and boost creativity

Looking at beautiful photographs or paintings increases blood flow to the brain by up to 10%. Brain activity increases and new neural pathways are formed. This can unlock creative potential, inspire and help generate new ideas.

2. Improve employee experience

Art can make a difference in an employee’s welfare and general work satisfaction. Various studies have shown that the way employees experience their workplace changes significantly if artworks are included or removed. Looking at beautiful art works raises levels of Dopamine in the brain, creating a feeling of pleasure and reward.

3. Reduce stress 

Artworks with aspects of contemplation and relaxation can help lower stress levels. Viewing art has shown to increase levels of Serotonin. Serotonin enables brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with each other. It helps to regulate mood and reduce anxiety and stress.

4. Increase team work and productivity

Boosting happiness, workplace satisfaction and creativity, while reducing stress levels will inevitably lead to better work performances. Improving your environment also encourages teamwork and emotional connections between team members. A happy place is a productive place.  

5. Set a professional tone

Your office plays a huge role in engaging employees. Pictures and paintings provide a form of communication that can help make your staff feel proud of the values, accomplishments, goals, and the products and services offered by your company. Choosing the perfect artwork can help to tell a unique story about your employees and clients. It widens your company’s footprint and provides a clear feeling of what makes your organization unique.

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